Saturday, May 8, 2010


Since I'm done with my undergrad work, I spent the day filling out financial aid and housing applications.  Oh!  I meant to return my thesis books today.  I need to do that tomorrow.  (Thesis books, thesis books, thesis books...)  I also had to look into storage options, because I go to college in the same city where I'll be attending med school, but I need to spend the first part of the summer at my parents' house.  Doesn't really make sense to take all my stuff back home for just a month or two.  It's kind of strange to be handling all of this logistical stuff myself.  When I applied to college, my parents were there to handle all the financial issues.  Now they're just on the sidelines.  Which is where I want them to be, honestly.  I want to do this myself.  I am getting a little sick of being such a dependent.  Except when it comes to health insurance.  I'd be a dependent on my parents' awesome health insurance for the rest of my life if I could.

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