Friday, May 14, 2010


I have made the deposit on my tuition, filled out my housing forms, submitted all the many forms for my financial aid, had a final transcript sent, and now I just need to graduate.  Which I will do very shortly.

My dorm room feels very hollow and empty with so much of my stuff packed up.  My posters are down, my curtains are down, most of my pillows are packed typing really echoes right now.  It's surreal.

Saturday, May 8, 2010


Since I'm done with my undergrad work, I spent the day filling out financial aid and housing applications.  Oh!  I meant to return my thesis books today.  I need to do that tomorrow.  (Thesis books, thesis books, thesis books...)  I also had to look into storage options, because I go to college in the same city where I'll be attending med school, but I need to spend the first part of the summer at my parents' house.  Doesn't really make sense to take all my stuff back home for just a month or two.  It's kind of strange to be handling all of this logistical stuff myself.  When I applied to college, my parents were there to handle all the financial issues.  Now they're just on the sidelines.  Which is where I want them to be, honestly.  I want to do this myself.  I am getting a little sick of being such a dependent.  Except when it comes to health insurance.  I'd be a dependent on my parents' awesome health insurance for the rest of my life if I could.

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

The Awkward First Post

I recently enrolled in medical school.  Which is pretty awesome, because I want nothing more than to be a doctor, and pretty terrifying, because now I have to actually learn how to be one.  I have to act like an adult and buy groceries and pay bills.  I only just figured out credit cards.

I'm starting this blog, because if I hadn't decided to go into medicine, I would have been a writer.  And I'm writing in it now, several months before I'll actually start medical school, because I want to begin at the absolute beginning, and today is the day I sent in the card to hold my place in next year's class.  Also, I really don't want to study for finals right now.  I am sure that the day I send in the deposit on my tuition will be an epic entry indeed.

But I'll use today's entry to fill in some of the exposition to my story.  I was not one of those kids who wanted to be a doctor since forever.  I was going to be a novelist, until I found out how much money the typical novelist makes.  Then I was going to go into biological research, until I learned what grad school is like.  (Props to you grad students, I could never do what you kids do...)  So then I was going to...presumably graduate college and get some sort of job that paid money.  Then one summer, almost on a whim, I decided to become an EMT.  If you're looking for a job that takes only a few months of training, and yet is exciting, rewarding, and impressive-sounding, consider becoming an EMT, because we need more of them in this country.  If you like it, become a paramedic.  And if you like it and you are an academic masochist and a little power-hungry, consider med school.